i have to retype more than half of my LOOOONG post just now. PBFTT.
spoiler spoiler spoiler! (£%_!_3583194-21(*£)%&"*(%&
okay okay. replies.
June: (: YEPS,i got my poster back! you preordered already right? hah. YEP. hoooooooot!:DD
ongton: trouble is worth it for a GOOD poster lurhs. and right i cant live with tv okays. lol plus what makes you think im STILL sleeping?! lol(x
binz: HAHA. only loyal fans like us will understand right! hi fives man.(: ayes. so unlike the guy above.
cryystal:D: yay we finally talked!!;D enjoy your m'sia trip! (:
tingting: HA. you cannot stop laughing eh!! yeah toilet bowls somehow damn amusing lurhs. heh you work hard too okay.loves!! (((:
jinjia: yep too!
daa: lol okay lah thanks for making my tagboard less lonely lor. (:
sharon: HELLO. havent seen you around for a loooong study hard too!;D
gah! i went out to town ytd. shopping leh. how sinful is that.
i went to pasir ris mrt station. it was almost empty lah.=/
wierd huh. kinda made me EVEN more guilty.cos it like reminded me that everyone's at home mugging. oh nevermind.
should make this holiday seem more like a holiday.
even if its just a one day outing. hehs/
ooooh. TODAY IS MY
FAV DAY!! [han!(:] lol.
kinda got a little flu again. blahs. but but but but!!
jay's album will be out today!! im not exactly going out today, except for TUITION(sighs),
so i got my mother to collect the CD for me.
then i was like keep discussing with her when she can go collect it. then it went sth like,
mother:wednesday then collect can or not?
me: dont want lah..tues night collect leh.
mother: does it make such a difference ?!
me: YES LAAA!!
mother: raises eyebrow*
okay lor. lol. woooohoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!(;
great weather today!and i have to do chem today. spoiler! these days are much bearable with:
hannah and her occasional complaints (hmm! poorthing ayes)
and competition with clinton. HAH. updates.
then jing, too discussing about how we keep using the com when we're at home ;)
plus valerie gulping down ice cream and not getting fat. (!!!)
oh and i shall thank mediacorp for having radio stations too.
the 98.7 hosts are like damnnnn funny. hahahahas :D [shan weeeeeeee!]
han needs to thanks symphony 92.4 yeah? LOL.(for providing n level listening compre too?)
hmm.but the studying part still sucks lah.=x
but anyways. can you even believe it?!
FIVE more days to the prelims! i hope get enough practice and stuff lahs. rarrrhs.
so many schools are done with it already. like poor us. >:(
WORK HARD PEOPLE. focus focus focus. yeah well im trying lahs.(:
"I, like, cry, when I listen to it, it's so good."
Well, guess who said that! lol whatevers.
>tian ya zhi wai; ni shi fou hai zai