Wednesday, May 31
LOL joke of the day!! (:
may i present to you, valerie's classic today during biology!
sek: eh, what organ produces sperms?
valerie: OVARIES LA!
wahaha. it is THE classic. do not deny, valerie.what else is?
even if it because you mistook the circles for eggs. lol (x
then liang kept trying to SEGREGATE people from each other we apparently kept babbling.
and sek kept trying to explain to me the DNA mutation thingy.
just cos she researched on the net before hand she had to repeat it to me 5TIMES.LOL ;D
had kfc after school with bunneh and val. yumm(:
jay's and my favourite! muahaha.
then valerie went crazay with her whatever-ing.
replying whatever to everything.
eg. me: are you okay?
valerie : whatever.
HAHA!okay whatever then.
and poor hannah-one long list of illnesses so she didnt go today.
remember to take your mc yeah (:
and i wonder when i'll be finishing my Angels&Demons
Lyn: heys(: haha im alright la you take care too!
binz: okay im very touched lor! hahah see you on friday toO! (:
*guiyue: chocolate has been on my profile since forever, professor guiyue! LOL.
JUNE: YEPS! new template wheeee [:
sharon: hahaha you are sooo random can!
>jia zhuang duo hao (:
may i present to you, valerie's classic today during biology!
sek: eh, what organ produces sperms?
valerie: OVARIES LA!
wahaha. it is THE classic. do not deny, valerie.what else is?
even if it because you mistook the circles for eggs. lol (x
then liang kept trying to SEGREGATE people from each other we apparently kept babbling.
and sek kept trying to explain to me the DNA mutation thingy.
just cos she researched on the net before hand she had to repeat it to me 5TIMES.LOL ;D
had kfc after school with bunneh and val. yumm(:
jay's and my favourite! muahaha.
then valerie went crazay with her whatever-ing.
replying whatever to everything.
eg. me: are you okay?
valerie : whatever.
HAHA!okay whatever then.
and poor hannah-one long list of illnesses so she didnt go today.
remember to take your mc yeah (:
and i wonder when i'll be finishing my Angels&Demons
Lyn: heys(: haha im alright la you take care too!
binz: okay im very touched lor! hahah see you on friday toO! (:
*guiyue: chocolate has been on my profile since forever, professor guiyue! LOL.
JUNE: YEPS! new template wheeee [:
sharon: hahaha you are sooo random can!
>jia zhuang duo hao (:
Sunday, May 28
dance; dance! ;DDD
i bought Angels& Demons (:
have not really read much yet but im enjoying every bit of it xD
i bought Angels& Demons (:
have not really read much yet but im enjoying every bit of it xD
Saturday, May 27
WHEEEE okay!
a template that has scrollbars from left to right so that i dont have to resize my pics!
yayness! :DD
had to redo the template to many time cos the navs kept disappearing.
ellice and sharon know my frustration. LOL
tmr's sunday! another TV day like today =D
wheeee. but i did a maths tuition homework today!
at least i did something! hehs! [:
a template that has scrollbars from left to right so that i dont have to resize my pics!
yayness! :DD
had to redo the template to many time cos the navs kept disappearing.
ellice and sharon know my frustration. LOL
tmr's sunday! another TV day like today =D
wheeee. but i did a maths tuition homework today!
at least i did something! hehs! [:
Friday, May 26
june: YAY okkay! (: see you arounddddddddddddd!
HUILING: LOL yah and then monday see you AGAIN?! hahaha
ernie: haha over the hedge rocks you mean I make you smile? (: 0 lol
WENXIN:ahaha yep im sure you missed me just as much! ;D
cryystal: haha ya i changed my layout and you are and that isn't amelia lah! LOL
tessa: ahah i stole the pics.LOL (: yep its really cool uh.
angel: hey.yeah thanks though i didnt really go well =/ haha nope. just the orals.prelims are a few more months later [:
yayyyyness. HOLIDAYS.
i just spent quite some time at the jcnetters blog posting
so now im actually quite lazy to blog here now.
{see the sacrifice i made for you guys jcnetters! LOL}
anws.wasnt all that a great day today.
but it cool laughing at myself wihle reading princess diaries books for the past few days uh.
HAHA. jingwei felt it was super lame to laugh at myself. esp when im sitting in the girls' toilet. hurhur.
ayes the mood wasnt very good at all in school.
thank god theres a fourweek break.
definitely necessary. 100%.
okay the end.(:
HUILING: LOL yah and then monday see you AGAIN?! hahaha
ernie: haha over the hedge rocks you mean I make you smile? (: 0 lol
WENXIN:ahaha yep im sure you missed me just as much! ;D
cryystal: haha ya i changed my layout and you are and that isn't amelia lah! LOL
tessa: ahah i stole the pics.LOL (: yep its really cool uh.
angel: hey.yeah thanks though i didnt really go well =/ haha nope. just the orals.prelims are a few more months later [:
yayyyyness. HOLIDAYS.
i just spent quite some time at the jcnetters blog posting
so now im actually quite lazy to blog here now.
{see the sacrifice i made for you guys jcnetters! LOL}
anws.wasnt all that a great day today.
but it cool laughing at myself wihle reading princess diaries books for the past few days uh.
HAHA. jingwei felt it was super lame to laugh at myself. esp when im sitting in the girls' toilet. hurhur.
ayes the mood wasnt very good at all in school.
thank god theres a fourweek break.
definitely necessary. 100%.
okay the end.(:
Wednesday, May 24
really pretty high right now.
people, go watch OVER THE HEDGE!
its super CUTE. hurhurhur!
han and ern couldn't agree more right?
ern just couldnt stop laughing.
i bet the whole cinema heard her. HURS((x
(dont worry it wasnt as bad as you think it is lol)
somehow we all chatted about our neighbours.
and LOL, so funny.
oh and it was sort of like the
humourous, cute, cartoon, animal
version of M:i:3 ? LOL[:
really raised my spirits like A LOT since i was tired.

and now i really need to get some sleep. x/
really pretty high right now.
people, go watch OVER THE HEDGE!
its super CUTE. hurhurhur!
han and ern couldn't agree more right?
ern just couldnt stop laughing.
i bet the whole cinema heard her. HURS((x
(dont worry it wasnt as bad as you think it is lol)
somehow we all chatted about our neighbours.
and LOL, so funny.
oh and it was sort of like the
humourous, cute, cartoon, animal
version of M:i:3 ? LOL[:
really raised my spirits like A LOT since i was tired.

and now i really need to get some sleep. x/
Sunday, May 21
just one last dance with you;
RARH.msn screwed up.
past two days cant get online. hmphs.
even the laptop also cant get much connection.
doing quite a lot of reading recently.
finished reading the da vinci code a few days ago ((:
wheeeees. hope the movie's good luh.
but the reviews are quite bad =//
hmm anws. tmr, oral time.
its sort of freaking me out.
prelim orals lehs. ayeee.
but there's over the hedge tmr- waha.
something to compensate for the stress during oral! ;DD
oh, watched coyote ugly just now.
hurhur hannah caught it too (:
WHEEE. super nice though its the second time i watched it.
like the last time, i missed some of the front part
by the time i saw the tv schedule in the newspaper and ran to the tv
i already missed like 15 mins of it. =/
no fate, i guess? hurhur.
oh ya. i ransacked my folders and found lotsa pics to upload(:


the rose line medallion thingy.

i will visit this place SOMEDAY. louvre museum.

these are not 3D models. they're all drawn on the ground.(: cool.


sweet; [:

cute eh.

and some cool scenic pics.

i think i'll change my decision of not changing my template.
its quite tiring to resize these photos so that they fit into this tiny little space.
underneath the starlight
there's a magical feeling/we'll be lost in the rhythm
it'll/feel it steal your heart tonight
deep in the dark you'll surrender your heart
but you know, but you know, that you can't fight the moonlight-
RARH.msn screwed up.
past two days cant get online. hmphs.
even the laptop also cant get much connection.
doing quite a lot of reading recently.
finished reading the da vinci code a few days ago ((:
wheeeees. hope the movie's good luh.
but the reviews are quite bad =//
hmm anws. tmr, oral time.
its sort of freaking me out.
prelim orals lehs. ayeee.
but there's over the hedge tmr- waha.
something to compensate for the stress during oral! ;DD
oh, watched coyote ugly just now.
hurhur hannah caught it too (:
WHEEE. super nice though its the second time i watched it.
like the last time, i missed some of the front part
by the time i saw the tv schedule in the newspaper and ran to the tv
i already missed like 15 mins of it. =/
no fate, i guess? hurhur.
oh ya. i ransacked my folders and found lotsa pics to upload(:


the rose line medallion thingy.

i will visit this place SOMEDAY. louvre museum.

these are not 3D models. they're all drawn on the ground.(: cool.


sweet; [:

cute eh.

and some cool scenic pics.

i think i'll change my decision of not changing my template.
its quite tiring to resize these photos so that they fit into this tiny little space.
underneath the starlight
there's a magical feeling/we'll be lost in the rhythm
it'll/feel it steal your heart tonight
deep in the dark you'll surrender your heart
but you know, but you know, that you can't fight the moonlight-
Friday, May 19
1:26 now.
wanted to read; but instead went template hunting.
got this(: very simple and plain luh.
at least less worry.
too many choices confuse me. hurhur.
i hope its okay? ;D
there are some posts which are invisible,
cos for the last skin i put them in white. lol.
OH and i realised this skin was made by a primary school mate.
hurhurs!coolness uh.
UM, i realised this skin has no left to right scroll bar! =//
fines. i am not going to change my skin again.
just click on the pics if you wanna see the whole pic. hurhur.
rarrrrh. super sleepy now. =/ see you.
1:26 now.
wanted to read; but instead went template hunting.
got this(: very simple and plain luh.
at least less worry.
too many choices confuse me. hurhur.
i hope its okay? ;D
there are some posts which are invisible,
cos for the last skin i put them in white. lol.
OH and i realised this skin was made by a primary school mate.
hurhurs!coolness uh.
UM, i realised this skin has no left to right scroll bar! =//
fines. i am not going to change my skin again.
just click on the pics if you wanna see the whole pic. hurhur.
rarrrrh. super sleepy now. =/ see you.
Thursday, May 18
hahaha.(: aint the blog song awesome. wahaha.
sharon: muaha yeah norahs, maybe next time you can catch my wave? [:
han!: haha surprise? wheeee d;
cryystal: LOL thanks for the song! *catches your wave ((:
june :): wahahah this song is super cool luh! yep and jay's diao cruise rmbr? LOL.
minqi: yeah! hahah o lvls are still a long time away though (:
ongton: HAHAHA. lots of people would feel like slapping you for saying that. [x
sentosa was greeeeeeaaattt.
umm; excluding the sunburnt and the china woman part.
no racial conflict involved.hurhur.
um well,shant blog in detail lah.
ernie,han,val and i dug up lots of sand to make a little canal towards a BIG,deep hole.
really cool luhhh! cos you can like fit inside and make it your like thingy.
hannah was made into a mermaid as well, with ernie's artistic touch. hoho.
then we ate LOTS of potato chips. that was for lunch by the
also played MARCO POLO-as what valerie said.
hurhur- captain's ball in the water actually. SUPER tiring.
and not like the sea water was a nice environment.
it was full of seaweed, lots of salt and even a chicken rice box.
not to forget- dog urine. hurhurs!
hmm, then we all sat on the beach and buried our feet in sand
eating potato chips at the same time. hoho(:
the that clinton crazy one lah, keep feeling something touching his
then after that we like sun tan under the sun while the guys played soccer and stuff.
it was super nice staying under the sun, so relaxing uh.
at about 3plus,4 we went to bathe and stuff.
then in the girls' bathroom we saw this person who looked really really like a guy.
so freaky eh, but i think it was a girl lah. hmm!
later we went to 7-11, also saw 4F having outing there too.
(except, of course we were there for hours before them.lols)
then me and hannah were like buying so much food luh!
we shared a tub of ice cream-which we obviously bu zi liang li,couldn't finish!
so we spreaded the joy! LOL(: i think mao and gan da finished it. hurhur.
then later we were so soso tempted by the smell of all the cup noodles everyone was eating.
so we went to eat cup noodles too! after which ernie and han bought big gulp! haha.
like going on binge luh. we were going to have dinner soon after that. lol.
then the china woman thingy
its like we took a bus to the bus stop whr we wld take another bus to the mrt.
yeah then we queued in the line behind. later , the bus came, and also there was the other bus coming to drop passengers. so these inconsiderate, rude, disgusting ADULTS just cut our queue and went up the bus!
like so horrible can, adults some more. sek and val were like shouting at them to queue in line.
but, oh, poor thing lor- they have hearing loss?
hmph then there was this woman who went up the bus already. then she apparently pointed her hand at us, like its our fault at all?
thr was this china woman who didnt manage to get up the bus, but she just stayed in the front of the queue and got up first on the bus.
then sek was like *£$())*"!£)&$%$*($£)")(&£&!")&£*%^&$^"
yep, loud enough for the people behind to hear.
in the bus, i sat behind the woman luh. fortunately or what?
lol then i was thinking it was super convenient to kick her seat luh.
so, since han wanted to do sth, i exchanged places with her and sat with sek instead.
she was continuously (&$T&$()@:>{ and banged against clint's chair in
amelia called then sek was like EH! YOU KNOW AR GOT ONE CHINA WOMAN AR...
LOL, then hannah was like- ask them find the china woman's friends and pull them to the toilet to beat up.and everyone was like complaining very fiercely and all that.
which was what prolly freaked out all the people in the bus.
so there was this girl behind who let us go down the bus first.HAHA.
those poor passengers. =//
after a veryyyyyyyyy long discussion on where to go for dinner,
we decided on tampines. -_-'' but the mrt ride was super funny (x
yeah and it was only left with clinton,han,ganda,val,mao and me.
so we went to KFC.
and somehow clint and me felt very wierd about eating luh,
like dont really feel like eating haha.
yeahs but in KFC we all talked a lot man.
sec1 to 4 stuffs-everything luhs . so cool [:
real FUN day man.
shall update lots of photos soon! C:
-AYES my sunburns are still super painful =(
#love story-
sharon: muaha yeah norahs, maybe next time you can catch my wave? [:
han!: haha surprise? wheeee d;
cryystal: LOL thanks for the song! *catches your wave ((:
june :): wahahah this song is super cool luh! yep and jay's diao cruise rmbr? LOL.
minqi: yeah! hahah o lvls are still a long time away though (:
ongton: HAHAHA. lots of people would feel like slapping you for saying that. [x
sentosa was greeeeeeaaattt.
umm; excluding the sunburnt and the china woman part.
no racial conflict involved.hurhur.
um well,shant blog in detail lah.
ernie,han,val and i dug up lots of sand to make a little canal towards a BIG,deep hole.
really cool luhhh! cos you can like fit inside and make it your like thingy.
hannah was made into a mermaid as well, with ernie's artistic touch. hoho.
then we ate LOTS of potato chips. that was for lunch by the
also played MARCO POLO-as what valerie said.
hurhur- captain's ball in the water actually. SUPER tiring.
and not like the sea water was a nice environment.
it was full of seaweed, lots of salt and even a chicken rice box.
not to forget- dog urine. hurhurs!
hmm, then we all sat on the beach and buried our feet in sand
eating potato chips at the same time. hoho(:
the that clinton crazy one lah, keep feeling something touching his
then after that we like sun tan under the sun while the guys played soccer and stuff.
it was super nice staying under the sun, so relaxing uh.
at about 3plus,4 we went to bathe and stuff.
then in the girls' bathroom we saw this person who looked really really like a guy.
so freaky eh, but i think it was a girl lah. hmm!
later we went to 7-11, also saw 4F having outing there too.
(except, of course we were there for hours before them.lols)
then me and hannah were like buying so much food luh!
we shared a tub of ice cream-which we obviously bu zi liang li,couldn't finish!
so we spreaded the joy! LOL(: i think mao and gan da finished it. hurhur.
then later we were so soso tempted by the smell of all the cup noodles everyone was eating.
so we went to eat cup noodles too! after which ernie and han bought big gulp! haha.
like going on binge luh. we were going to have dinner soon after that. lol.
then the china woman thingy
its like we took a bus to the bus stop whr we wld take another bus to the mrt.
yeah then we queued in the line behind. later , the bus came, and also there was the other bus coming to drop passengers. so these inconsiderate, rude, disgusting ADULTS just cut our queue and went up the bus!
like so horrible can, adults some more. sek and val were like shouting at them to queue in line.
but, oh, poor thing lor- they have hearing loss?
hmph then there was this woman who went up the bus already. then she apparently pointed her hand at us, like its our fault at all?
thr was this china woman who didnt manage to get up the bus, but she just stayed in the front of the queue and got up first on the bus.
then sek was like *£$())*"!£)&$%$*($£)")(&£&!")&£*%^&$^"
yep, loud enough for the people behind to hear.
in the bus, i sat behind the woman luh. fortunately or what?
lol then i was thinking it was super convenient to kick her seat luh.
so, since han wanted to do sth, i exchanged places with her and sat with sek instead.
she was continuously (&$T&$()@:>{ and banged against clint's chair in
amelia called then sek was like EH! YOU KNOW AR GOT ONE CHINA WOMAN AR...
LOL, then hannah was like- ask them find the china woman's friends and pull them to the toilet to beat up.and everyone was like complaining very fiercely and all that.
which was what prolly freaked out all the people in the bus.
so there was this girl behind who let us go down the bus first.HAHA.
those poor passengers. =//
after a veryyyyyyyyy long discussion on where to go for dinner,
we decided on tampines. -_-'' but the mrt ride was super funny (x
yeah and it was only left with clinton,han,ganda,val,mao and me.
so we went to KFC.
and somehow clint and me felt very wierd about eating luh,
like dont really feel like eating haha.
yeahs but in KFC we all talked a lot man.
sec1 to 4 stuffs-everything luhs . so cool [:
real FUN day man.
shall update lots of photos soon! C:
-AYES my sunburns are still super painful =(
#love story-
Sunday, May 14
i love listening to my blog now!
ernie must be having an adrenaline rush now! hurhurhur.
okay replies!
jiemin: ya lor ling'er died!! =(( haah okay thanks!
Lyn: hahaha sure! next time we go shopping lah.but mother's day pressy! haha (:
june :): yah!! so saddening. sighs and i like the way ling'er calls xiaoyao XIAOYAO GEGE. so cute(x no prob. haha nice to see you back toO! xD
minqi: yeah, mars is ALWAYS
mars: yep M:i:III rocks. and i hope you grow shorter mars!blech.
sharon: HAHA! thanks for the TAG,sharon! hope you meet SOUL soon! haha!(;
OOOOSH. clinton's super high about how fortunate 4A is this week.
LOL. oh well. SENTOSAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
see, im not as mean as him!
i love listening to my blog now!
ernie must be having an adrenaline rush now! hurhurhur.
okay replies!
jiemin: ya lor ling'er died!! =(( haah okay thanks!
Lyn: hahaha sure! next time we go shopping lah.but mother's day pressy! haha (:
june :): yah!! so saddening. sighs and i like the way ling'er calls xiaoyao XIAOYAO GEGE. so cute(x no prob. haha nice to see you back toO! xD
minqi: yeah, mars is ALWAYS
mars: yep M:i:III rocks. and i hope you grow shorter mars!blech.
sharon: HAHA! thanks for the TAG,sharon! hope you meet SOUL soon! haha!(;
OOOOSH. clinton's super high about how fortunate 4A is this week.
LOL. oh well. SENTOSAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!
see, im not as mean as him!
Saturday, May 13
xian jian qi xia zhuan was superbly NICE!
oh man.almost at the end it was so touching.
i mean, every show is super touching,
but this last episode most saddening! *sigh =(
anws i dont really get the ending.
whr xiao yao met that met and asked if he understands?
you, reading this, tell me if you know okay. heh.
ayes why so fast last episode!
but luckily the last episode is after exams.
if not i can go and die. HEH.
xian jian qi xia zhuan was superbly NICE!
oh man.almost at the end it was so touching.
i mean, every show is super touching,
but this last episode most saddening! *sigh =(
anws i dont really get the ending.
whr xiao yao met that met and asked if he understands?
you, reading this, tell me if you know okay. heh.
ayes why so fast last episode!
but luckily the last episode is after exams.
if not i can go and die. HEH.
Friday, May 12
jiaen: YEP M:i:III ! whoooosh! LOVES*
june: heys! i missed you too! yeah i'll try to come online more often. hahah no problem for that, i was just listening (: thanks to you too! you listened to me too. xD YAH! i like xiaoyao!!lol wahaha d:
cryystal: hahaha okay sorry about that! i'll be online a little more often now! =D
jiemin: haha thanks! xD you take care too!
sharon: THANKS! haha been missing you too!
minqi: haha sure! my mother allows! [[:
you have NO idea how great it is to have EXAMS!
okay you probably do. but WAHAHA.
err, although not for long. but well!
i managed to keep away from the evil computers for a few weeks uh!
*claps. i feel like i achieved restraining myself.
but well. seems like the restraining didnt exactly pay off at all.
since i failed a maths like er, again?
and i probably failed chemistry MCQtoo.
if i failed MCQs..god knows what will happen to my paper two!
i shall not get into that stupid mood again. =/
hmmmphs.okay, anw i went shopping ytd. didnt buy much luh.
went around with my mother. shopping with my mother is not much fun can.
since its always like i wanna buy sth, then she'll "what?!not nice lah!"
then i say quite nice what. then she'll give that " i have no idea what you are thinking/you are so wasting money on that" look.
it wasnt a great day ytd.
i gt so freaking restless during school.
plus all the papers returned. =/
and me and hannah were sighing sighing. lol,
but weds was fun! jiaen, jing and me went to bugis to watch M:i:III
just saw an advert on it today. it says: #1 IN THE WORLD!
i demand that you watch it if you havent.
cos its a REALLLLYYYYYY nice show. HEH.
okay im not into tom cruise anything okay.
but after watching it right, you'll look at tom cruise and WHHHOOOOSH!
hurhur. coolness lah.
every second of the show gives you an adrenaline rush!
then you'll get so excited that you'll tremble can.
and no, i dont think its the air con. lols.
the techonology stuff is so amazing can!
LOL! maggie Q's make up mirror = a camera okay!
how cool is that?!
next im going to watch POSEIDON!
another cool looking show. wahahas.
then i'll watch that super cutesy show called OVER THE HEDGE! xD
exciting!! muahahas.
you knowm actually these few weeks there were LOTS of things i wanted to blog about,
but now i cant remember anything. HAHA, ooops.
oh ya oh ya.
we are going to sentosa. we are going to sentosa. we are going to SENTOSA!
HEHHS. exclusive priveleges to 4a! *evil laughter*
excited to be have lotsa fun on monday! *morning!* HURHUR.
oooh im using my fathers lap top in my room now.
it feels SUPERB to have a com in my room! WAHAHA.
okay some pictures!

coolness! maggie q is hot luh. her character not so significant tho.

guess this is probably the poster for usa or sth?

OHMY, he's taking a photo of me! *yeah right. just look at those people behind him! LOL!
oooh and i love cao ge's shi jie wei yi de ni.
its going to be my wedding song- in hannah's sense.LOL
(yar okay i know sarang hae yo is nice also lah!haha)
jing jing yong bao wei yi de ni
wu ke jiu yao de jian ding
jiu suan shi jie yu wo wei di
wo ye yuan yi
wo shen me dou yuan yi
the end! (((:
jiaen: YEP M:i:III ! whoooosh! LOVES*
june: heys! i missed you too! yeah i'll try to come online more often. hahah no problem for that, i was just listening (: thanks to you too! you listened to me too. xD YAH! i like xiaoyao!!lol wahaha d:
cryystal: hahaha okay sorry about that! i'll be online a little more often now! =D
jiemin: haha thanks! xD you take care too!
sharon: THANKS! haha been missing you too!
minqi: haha sure! my mother allows! [[:
you have NO idea how great it is to have EXAMS!
okay you probably do. but WAHAHA.
err, although not for long. but well!
i managed to keep away from the evil computers for a few weeks uh!
*claps. i feel like i achieved restraining myself.
but well. seems like the restraining didnt exactly pay off at all.
since i failed a maths like er, again?
and i probably failed chemistry MCQtoo.
if i failed MCQs..god knows what will happen to my paper two!
i shall not get into that stupid mood again. =/
hmmmphs.okay, anw i went shopping ytd. didnt buy much luh.
went around with my mother. shopping with my mother is not much fun can.
since its always like i wanna buy sth, then she'll "what?!not nice lah!"
then i say quite nice what. then she'll give that " i have no idea what you are thinking/you are so wasting money on that" look.
it wasnt a great day ytd.
i gt so freaking restless during school.
plus all the papers returned. =/
and me and hannah were sighing sighing. lol,
but weds was fun! jiaen, jing and me went to bugis to watch M:i:III
just saw an advert on it today. it says: #1 IN THE WORLD!
i demand that you watch it if you havent.
cos its a REALLLLYYYYYY nice show. HEH.
okay im not into tom cruise anything okay.
but after watching it right, you'll look at tom cruise and WHHHOOOOSH!
hurhur. coolness lah.
every second of the show gives you an adrenaline rush!
then you'll get so excited that you'll tremble can.
and no, i dont think its the air con. lols.
the techonology stuff is so amazing can!
LOL! maggie Q's make up mirror = a camera okay!
how cool is that?!
next im going to watch POSEIDON!
another cool looking show. wahahas.
then i'll watch that super cutesy show called OVER THE HEDGE! xD
exciting!! muahahas.
you knowm actually these few weeks there were LOTS of things i wanted to blog about,
but now i cant remember anything. HAHA, ooops.
oh ya oh ya.
we are going to sentosa. we are going to sentosa. we are going to SENTOSA!
HEHHS. exclusive priveleges to 4a! *evil laughter*
excited to be have lotsa fun on monday! *morning!* HURHUR.
oooh im using my fathers lap top in my room now.
it feels SUPERB to have a com in my room! WAHAHA.
okay some pictures!

coolness! maggie q is hot luh. her character not so significant tho.

guess this is probably the poster for usa or sth?

OHMY, he's taking a photo of me! *yeah right. just look at those people behind him! LOL!
oooh and i love cao ge's shi jie wei yi de ni.
its going to be my wedding song- in hannah's sense.LOL
(yar okay i know sarang hae yo is nice also lah!haha)
jing jing yong bao wei yi de ni
wu ke jiu yao de jian ding
jiu suan shi jie yu wo wei di
wo ye yuan yi
wo shen me dou yuan yi
the end! (((: