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my air con loves to spit saliva on me...
outside raining...
inside oso raining...
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haha=) im blogging again after so mani yrs lolx..so busy my holidays...holiday lyk not holiday..everytime go back sch cca cca cca cca.blahx..den still got dat sickening SS project.. dun die cai guai lar... liSteninG to hoU niao noW..niCe song..c0s jAy c0mp0sed the s0ng.yeaH!haha..
yEsterdaY hav ccA from 9am-5pm..den keep dOing oRienTatiOn sTufF den kEep loOking @cLay..unTil at niTe i sTill tinKing abOut cLay..dotX lor..so tIreD lehz..aT ni+e shooo sleepy..so i slept at 11.30 lidat..considered eArly liao woRh..siNce thUrs i 2am sleep den nex few day so tired le..haiy0x..bUt anw..todae woke up at 11..buDen still shoo sleepy oki..*yaWns... den my eYes lyk got probLem le..keep rubbing it..so watery..n itchy..- - " uh oh..hoPe i wUn haV to weAr spEcs ba..yuCks..tiNk evErytime oso loOk @com N tv...so..aiYah.watever.
sOo...noW so siAnx laRx...*yaWn! end here le lar...byeEe!