hope; aspire; desires; dreams;

Friday, April 21


aye. its building up.
yep. those tense feelings you get when you are supposed to have revised well for midyrs
but you havent got the slightest confidence.


its ESPECIALLY bad when you've spent a day at your loooonnggg a maths tuition homework.
and YOU LOSE IT for no rhyme or reason.
i'm losing it.

yeah congratulate me.

i am oh-so-excited to re-doing another paper.

and much much much much MUCH thanks to ernie.
for helping me turn the lockers upside down.
for going through our bags a million times.
to find my papers. and for praying for me. haha(x

i still havent miraculously found my tuition homework lying in my bag ? =/

sometimes i just wished i was a superduper genius.
so i could just skip all these and i would have completed my university studies by now.
coolness. i wanna be a prodigy.
yeah right.

the mystery of the lost tuition homework. haha.

well it was a total spoiler for a friday.
and sss was a total failure.
my brain just rejected 50% of what i'd seen in my chemistry textbook.

hmm but the GUESS SHOW was really funny today. heh.

-the world just keeps spinning.
there's nothing you can do except keep up with it.



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