hope; aspire; desires; dreams;

Monday, August 15


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Jay apologizes for giving the middle fingersource:

世界日報translated by: reminiscentxgirl - www.jay-chou.net

周杰倫11日坦誠認錯, 自己對狗仔[比中指]是錯誤示範, 他說,"小朋友千萬不要摹仿,手勢是比給那個(狗仔)看的,不知道會這樣播出來﹐如果家裡有小孩子﹐我為重新比一次 “YA!”

On August 11, Jay Chou regretfully apologizes for giving the paparazzi the middle finger, admitting that he was setting a bad example. He said, "Children, you must not imitate my hand gesture. The hand gesture was only for the paparazzi. If there are any children watching at home, I will only repeat the "YA!" gesture."

周杰倫香車戴侯佩岑和狗仔起衝突事件後﹐“周懂” 一直沒有露面。值到11日南拳媽媽新專輯記者會上﹐媒體風聞一手幫南拳媽媽催生的周杰倫 “會來約!"﹐下午2點的記者會﹐電子媒體上午11點就在飯店門外守候﹐ 媒體焦點在“周懂”﹐不過﹐看到南拳媽媽新人的者會﹐來了這麼多媒體﹐阿爾發唱片總經理陽峻開心感謝“大家 對新樂團的支持﹗”

Director Chou didn’t show his face after the incident he along with Patty had with the paparazzi, until August 11 at Nan Quan Mama’s news conference. The media anticipated that Jay, “Will come!” Therefore, before Nan Quan Mama’s 2 P.M. news conference even started, the media was already waiting at the restaurant entrance as early as 11 A.M., mainly targeting Director Chou. However, once Alfa’s manager saw the amount of people at Nan Quan Mama’s new conference, he happily thanked “everyone’s support for the new band!”

周杰倫坦言﹐10人晚6家電視台播出他和狗仔起衝突的畫面時﹐ “就在公司裡很認真看﹐ 電視播多少遍﹐我就看了多少遍﹗” 他只對自己[比中指] 很懊惱﹐還很在問媒體說﹐ “ 我其他姿勢很帥嗎?” “帥!” 紳媒體一答﹐他笑得很開心。

Jay truthfully admitted that when the six television stations played the conflict he had with the paparazzi, “I was watching it earnestly back at the company. The number of times the television programs played it was the number of times I watched it!” Jay was extremely upset at himself for giving the middle finger to the paparazzi, and he even asked the media, “Are my other poses really cool?” “Cool!” the media replied, and Jay smiled happily.

他不否認和狗仔起衝突後, 和父親吃飯時, “剛開始, 心情有點受影響, 後來就好了﹗ 父親有勸我。﹐ “我平常控制很好﹐不知道這次怎麼會這樣﹐可能是父親節要陪吃飯﹐遲到了。我的手是用來彈琴﹐ 而不是用來大狗仔﹐看了畫面﹐我自己作檢討﹐現在想想當時不應該下車。下回紅燈時再碰到狗仔﹐ 周懂說﹐ “遇到紅燈﹐ 就等錄燈亮﹐再走。”

Jay didn’t deny that when eating with his dad after the incident with the paparazzi, “My mood was affected in the beginning, but then afterwards I was okay! My dad even tried to encourage me. I usually have good self-control, but I don’t understand why this time it ended up like this. Maybe it’s because it’s Father’s Day, and I was late to dinner with my dad.

My hands are used for playing the piano, not for beating up the paparazzi.

After seeing the incident replay, I made a realization that at that time, I shouldn’t have gotten out of the car.” Next time he comes across the paparazzi at a red light, Director Chou said, “If I come across a red light, I will simply wait for the green light, and then drive away.”

周杰倫當天火氣大﹐ 真的是因為時侯佩岑修指甲﹐ 修了1個半小時嗎﹖ “我是開車到修指甲地點接她﹐ 沒有等1個小時﹗” 周杰倫澄清 。會對“壹周刊” 提告訴嗎﹖“提了也沒有用﹐ 還是會被跟﹐ 這種是改變不了。” 周杰倫說。

At that time, Jay was flustered. Was it really because he had to wait one hour for Patty Hou to get her manicure done? “I drove to the manicure place to pick her up, I didn’t wait for an hour!” Jay clarifies. Is Jay going to complain to Next Magazine? “It isn’t going to help, I’m still going to be followed. This is something that will never change,” Jay said.

thank you very much for reading.
NOW u know jay didnt do it on purpose.
yes u do rite. yes. he didnt okay.
if only the whole world knew he regretted right?
arghs. whatever.

erhms.humans are humans rite.
followed for six yrs already very intolerable wadd.
wads the stupid reporter's problem!
ppl ask u to stop filiming using dat stupid camera.
so STOP filming!

but no la. he still carry on filming jay. wow.
such determination lor. wow lor. hurs.
hmmm. i tink dat idiot desevered dat finger lar ok.
dun think he even respected jay as an idol lor.
still say jay is public icon. big idol.cant be rough or wad.
never check on his own actions.
wad a FREAK. hmphs.

my ambition= never to be a reporter.

"My hands are used for playing the piano, not for beating up the paparazzi."

diao. as in cool. not -_- "

today is stupid. its stupid. its stupid.
pls la. i hate ppl ignoring me.
i hate it.thankyou.sighs.

sad life.

`how could this happen to me
im sick of this life
i just wanna scream
how could this happen to me

-back to those memories

this is so different i cant stand it anymore.
sth i thought never had to worry about anymore.
its back again.



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