__ aiYo..jy haS been aSking me to bLog..bUt i too laZy..yaH bUt aft seEing her bLog..+cliNton's post ar..i tiNk i oSo waNna bLogg..hU wiLL wan to leaVe 2e lor..haix!!!
___uMm..ok..i duNno how to sTart..coS i got toO mani thinGs to say lor..hmm...___
k laRx..oNe thinG i rMb is dat i've been sitting beside cally for veri long..haha..one whole year in sec1 + about one more term in sec2..yuPp cos wE 2 r sHort ma..blehx..
den later she changed place wif joYcelyn..dEn goT to noe joyCelyn muCh betta..bCum my ma ma..den she always willing to listen wen i bad mood or wad la..hehe..den realisEd she'S suchhh a crapPy peRson..lame +bian tai..lolx.. me N joycelyN can laff n laff for one whole period in school..dEn we will haVe "laughter day"..cOs got sum veri intelligent ppl beside us..lolx..sHawn n yEok seNg..duN understand y dEy keeP gayinG togethEr!! hehe..=x bUt dey 2 okok la..jus dat dey r TOO INTELLIGENT..yeah..=P eSp shawn..he shuLd do again..his special bowling skills...lolx.yeok seng always imitate me turn behind n laugh..chao bu hao xiao..den i tink dat he no need to worry about his hair..fan zheng is botak botak de..lolx..dun haf to worri about getting caught by mrs goh or wad.
yahh ok..den behiNd mee..stePh n geraLdine..aiyoo..dey 2 realli cRazy +bian tai..geT hyper active wen learning bio..den whole day discuss lame thinGx den suddenly laugh out so loudly..i tiNk ar..at first dey 2 veri quiet galz..den wen dey sit together dis yr dey crap n crap n crap n crap until deir mind sot sot.. so becum until lYk todaE lidatt..hahaha..funNi ppl..n geraLdine is alwaYs doing funni stUff..(or bian tai..) lyK hving an infatuation n letting ppl noe about it..den alwaYs coMment on anYone she see..during sec1 always study den not active de..but dis yR now chanGe till more eNthu le ba..=) den..steph is cheerful+clever..jus lyk gdine la..she z always smiling de ba..hehe..
den haVe yi jiE n aDdy..dey duRing class is quite quiet de lar..yuPp..yJ hor..quite emotional la.and de whoLe yEar oso liNked wiF sum ppl de lor..i count hor..oso got lyk at least 8 guys lor..i mean jus LINKED onli la..relax k..heh..yj ar..ke ai lor.. she always supports bishan..praise j8 until is lyk heaven lidat..wen no one else 2E lives in bishan..haha..deN make ppl.lyk me.go dere wif her..lolx..she v.nice ba..at least most of de time she laff wif me at my lame joke..den still rmb last time we go changi airport den go bookshop sit on de floor to read lame joke..den de person tell us cannot sit on de floor..lolx..so paisehh de..
aDdy leii..veri cute la..but veri violent..cum to school in morning den throw down her chair..try to scare ppl to death de lor..lol..but she quite easily angry ba..wen she scold ppl a bit scary la..but still she can b v.v. nice la.. den got clara suz tessa yining.. clara ne...i always tok to her about her special sumone den she always sweating..--> - - " veri cute de la she..got a special laughter..veri caring..outgoing too..always whistling song de..but sumtimes veri quiet lor..walk wif her halfway she can suddenly disappear de lor..scary wan lehx..but still veri funn to b wif lor..=)
suz ar..sumtimes veri quiet de..den..i tink she veri veri matured lor..looks n character..voice too..den..she always using her handphone dunno doing wad de lar..haha..she n clara always dun go down for recess wan..everytime stay in class de..yupp..
ok..den tessa!!haha..i tink of her i wanna laugh man..lolx..she veri veri veri veri funni..always make me laugh until i look so idiotic..cos everyone finish laughing le i still down dere cannot stop laughing..see la..ur fault lor..haha..den always lyk to poke ppl in their stomach..den she always do the thumbs up sign den i do the thumbs down sign thingy..lolx..den we made a game out of dat..so genius lor..haha..n she lUv to freeze ppl wif cold jokes..bUtt veri veri sporty..she play sports veri veri well..bball..badminton..soccer..bowling..proded man..=) yeah..den. im in the same subject combi as yining..she always admit dat she is lame cos after she say something lame den she will say.."haha..lame.." lolx..she z cheerful..nice person la..caring..
nxt..jason#aiyo..JASON..wad to say..always crapping..n creating cold jokes..hopping around de whole school..n making ppl cover their ears wen he play bowling..yah den ting2 everytime see him den..AIYO..CHILDISH..hmm..obviously la..he's still watching baby looney tunes every monday to friday wen dere is no school..but i also watch it..wen i rmb la..tat is..hehe.
kkx..jason keeps saying he is pro..ya he is pro..i was on de mrt wif him n he asked me to carry his plastic bag for him..den carry carry carry until bedok den he laft de train w/o taking his plastic bag from me..den he got his bread inside de plastic bag sumore~so he asked me to eat it..- - " how lame can he get..so pro rite..lolx..
yah den yk ar kc n junhong mostly tok to dem of msn wan la..all veri gao xiao de..wen yk laugh den his eyes bcum so small small..den his laughter veri funni wan lor..last time he lyk jay oso lor..den now he lyk dun lyk jay anymore..so bad lor..unfaithful..haha..den kc ar..always tok crap..everytime tok abt sum1 den he veri happi wan lor..lolx..kc ok la quite nice la..onli dat he is a sai4 mei..lolx..jun hong..VERI gao xiao..dunno wad to say abt him..he last time is CD de la..den his acting veli good la..sumtimes tok to him on msn den i kena leng dao lor..is lyk..duno la..veri veri crappyyy..
melvin rite..last time beginnning sec1 i sit beside him..den always trying to link shawn n tessa together..but failed la..hahax..den sumtimes will lyk quarrel wif him lidat..den after dat duno wad happen suddenly every1 link me n melvin..den dunno who started it lor..wierd mann..until now i still duno how cum it started..haha..den everytime oso see him online wan..den hor..last time he onli 1cm taller than me..now he at least 10cm taller than me..haha..den gan da..eh..hahaz..always suddenly say sumting funni during lesson wan lor..den at kinokuniya keep pressing 'back' on de computer screen..den de screen nth happen..but he jus keep pressing..yah..funni..lolx..
zimu lei..he another name is sylvester zhao lor..rawking elaine's world..lolx..everytime veri kai fang wan..say himself is LOE..haha..de other time after bowling yj me ting2 elaine n zimu at de bus stop waitin for bus..den zimu ask yj me n ting2 take other buses..so onli left dem 2 at bus stop no more lightbulb le..lolx..aiya..he always tok crap wan lorz..lame..but quite nice la he..kkz cannot write too much..later ppl jealous..hehe..
chengyou..onli came to ahs this yr..from tms sec..yupp den i tink he a bit kaypoh..lolx..cos he always ask me wierd wierd questions..dunno wads his prob..haha den he linked wif philine..de other time i ask him to sign my class photo den i ask him sign beside philine..n he realli sign beside her..not bad rite..haha..=P
okii..den got ting2..hu is so sad dat sun yan zi's album not available yesterday..she probably going to get it todae la.haha..yupp..den dese 2 yrs she always pei me go home wan..den we always go white sands..den everytime meet dat sicko VS guy..lolx..tink dat ting2 veri funni lor..she went to taiwan to cut hair den cum back n scare me lor..hahax..but i tink cut le oso not bad ba..=) last time used to talk to her alort on de phone..now talk less le..but still veri nice ba..haha..n she still rmB de toilet bowl thingy..cos of dis we last time duno laugh for how long on de phone den can stop lor..lolx..jus nice lei..ting jus called me..she say sun yan zi album is finally out n her sis is going to buy for her now..lolx..funni gal...^^
yuPpi..den eLaine rite..dun realli talk to her dat often la..but she z a nice gal la..always laughing so loudy wif ting2 n nice to talk to ba..den sylvester zhao rawks her world la..=P always get his suppoRt durinG bowling de..haha..yeah..
...to be continued... > > >
<<<...continued... =)aha~yay..continue again.. hahah..k..bOon kai..laSt time alwaYs take mrt wif him n ys n ting2 to pasir ris side de..den i tink dat he veri cold lor..saw a few sentence onli den i get frozen liao la..den veri veri violent person..play bball badminton or wad sure got ppl kena hit by him..- - "ke lianx. umm..pui munn..she veri clever la..den quiet too..cos we dun realli tok haha..but ok la..chalet dat time got tok a little bit..den i still owe u one dollar..- - " hmm..ya den kristin rite..u overall quite ok la..buden not dat active wen we hving class activity..dun realli tok to u too..><>
ah..ONG cliNton..not clinton ong..erm..dunno wad to say abt u la..inside ur body onli got lame genes lor..ur whole family all lame dao wan lor..haha but u vvv gud fren la can listen to my crap wan..n help me listen to dat scary voicemail..hahax.yupp den bowling pro lor..n den umm ya v nice fren la can share lot of things de.. xiNjun..haha...tok to him one msn den he everytime -_-" de..lol..den i still hav a pic of u n yj on my hp ok..haha.."holding hands" sumore..lol..jkjk..ya n u still lyk pink izzit???haha..i dunno la..=p jiaXin..de onli person hu culd go wif me to sci tuition=) yay.thx man.luckily u dere wif me or else i bored to death le..den u n me always kena suan by tcher cos u always bring food/sweet for me den nv giv him..lol..den u go sci tuition got motivation de lor..haha=P kk nvm~=xumm jiayu!!rrubbish la u..haha..u realli crap alort.realli.ALORT.lol.=) i crap alort too.wif u.hahax..y u always lyk to say ppl die le? veri bad le u..haha..last time sian sian den we go out together den we both lyk to take neoprint yah?hahaha..BUT u always say u broke..- -" hahahax~ kkx angel..qUite nice peRson ba..laffs alort alort de..haha ya den last time pei me to white sands to eat lunch..den aft dat we go buy bday pressie for yu jie i tink..yah..nice gal la..=)hm..qi qiN!!my mei..haha..always trying to ci ji me la..u so tall..de other time u stand beside me den purposely say..u can stand on de chair n say hi..blehx..lol..but u still my v gd mei la..v caring de..always console ppl wen dey sad yah..heh^^
yUjie ne..veri creative n artistic lor..niCe guRl la..den during danCe prac for tchers day performance pair wif clinton den keep warning clinton not to anyhow touch her..hAHa..lol..laMe l0Rx.
caLLy rite..bian tai galgal..sit wIf her for almos one n half yrs le whole day listen to her tok abt alort of stuff alort of crap..haha..den eVerytime tok abt stupif stuff den we laff n laff lyk siao..laMe gal..
hUixian..cLevEr n v v v cRaPpy..duRing diao1 ke4 sit beside u den veri leng dao wan lor..hahax..deN u lUrve wanG ren Fu N waTch wan qUan yu le yah?haha..laMe lAme..i sTill tiNk jay is muCh mucH betta lor haha.
ahh~lasTly..sHu yaO..nOrT realli cLose bUt quite easy going..weN u go chiNa u brinG bAck stUff 4 us..so niCe haha..=)friendly n cheerful too..yUpppp!!
yahh reaLLi saD dat 2e goiN to sepArate le..aFt 2yRs 2gtHr..wiLL b miSsing evEry0ne..
eVeryoNe maDe 2e possiBle.
made 2003's outstanding class possible.
made class outings possible.
made winning competitions possible.
maDe our uNity posSible.
madE our hAppiNesS poSsibLe.
yah..reaLLi h0pe every0ne kEep in t0uch loRx..rmBr all de thiNgs we diD togEtHer.hapPinEss n saDness..iT aLL maDe a diFfernCe in dis fiRst 2 yrs in AHS lor..in d beginNing of sec1 i reAlli diN lyk aHs cos i din reAlli haf aLort of frenx..den aFter a whiLe..kneW 1e.n knew 2e.deN i stArted to lyK AHS much much more..i nV had a cLass so uNitEd b4..
aNd till now i neVa regretted cuMing to AHS la~yuP.. luv 2E manZz..=)
-------Xx tWo e 200 foUr eva xX-------
___uMm..ok..i duNno how to sTart..coS i got toO mani thinGs to say lor..hmm...___
k laRx..oNe thinG i rMb is dat i've been sitting beside cally for veri long..haha..one whole year in sec1 + about one more term in sec2..yuPp cos wE 2 r sHort ma..blehx..
den later she changed place wif joYcelyn..dEn goT to noe joyCelyn muCh betta..bCum my ma ma..den she always willing to listen wen i bad mood or wad la..hehe..den realisEd she'S suchhh a crapPy peRson..lame +bian tai..lolx.. me N joycelyN can laff n laff for one whole period in school..dEn we will haVe "laughter day"..cOs got sum veri intelligent ppl beside us..lolx..sHawn n yEok seNg..duN understand y dEy keeP gayinG togethEr!! hehe..=x bUt dey 2 okok la..jus dat dey r TOO INTELLIGENT..yeah..=P eSp shawn..he shuLd do again..his special bowling skills...lolx.yeok seng always imitate me turn behind n laugh..chao bu hao xiao..den i tink dat he no need to worry about his hair..fan zheng is botak botak de..lolx..dun haf to worri about getting caught by mrs goh or wad.
yahh ok..den behiNd mee..stePh n geraLdine..aiyoo..dey 2 realli cRazy +bian tai..geT hyper active wen learning bio..den whole day discuss lame thinGx den suddenly laugh out so loudly..i tiNk ar..at first dey 2 veri quiet galz..den wen dey sit together dis yr dey crap n crap n crap n crap until deir mind sot sot.. so becum until lYk todaE lidatt..hahaha..funNi ppl..n geraLdine is alwaYs doing funni stUff..(or bian tai..) lyK hving an infatuation n letting ppl noe about it..den alwaYs coMment on anYone she see..during sec1 always study den not active de..but dis yR now chanGe till more eNthu le ba..=) den..steph is cheerful+clever..jus lyk gdine la..she z always smiling de ba..hehe..
den haVe yi jiE n aDdy..dey duRing class is quite quiet de lar..yuPp..yJ hor..quite emotional la.and de whoLe yEar oso liNked wiF sum ppl de lor..i count hor..oso got lyk at least 8 guys lor..i mean jus LINKED onli la..relax k..heh..yj ar..ke ai lor.. she always supports bishan..praise j8 until is lyk heaven lidat..wen no one else 2E lives in bishan..haha..deN make ppl.lyk me.go dere wif her..lolx..she v.nice ba..at least most of de time she laff wif me at my lame joke..den still rmb last time we go changi airport den go bookshop sit on de floor to read lame joke..den de person tell us cannot sit on de floor..lolx..so paisehh de..
aDdy leii..veri cute la..but veri violent..cum to school in morning den throw down her chair..try to scare ppl to death de lor..lol..but she quite easily angry ba..wen she scold ppl a bit scary la..but still she can b v.v. nice la.. den got clara suz tessa yining.. clara ne...i always tok to her about her special sumone den she always sweating..--> - - " veri cute de la she..got a special laughter..veri caring..outgoing too..always whistling song de..but sumtimes veri quiet lor..walk wif her halfway she can suddenly disappear de lor..scary wan lehx..but still veri funn to b wif lor..=)
suz ar..sumtimes veri quiet de..den..i tink she veri veri matured lor..looks n character..voice too..den..she always using her handphone dunno doing wad de lar..haha..she n clara always dun go down for recess wan..everytime stay in class de..yupp..
ok..den tessa!!haha..i tink of her i wanna laugh man..lolx..she veri veri veri veri funni..always make me laugh until i look so idiotic..cos everyone finish laughing le i still down dere cannot stop laughing..see la..ur fault lor..haha..den always lyk to poke ppl in their stomach..den she always do the thumbs up sign den i do the thumbs down sign thingy..lolx..den we made a game out of dat..so genius lor..haha..n she lUv to freeze ppl wif cold jokes..bUtt veri veri sporty..she play sports veri veri well..bball..badminton..soccer..bowling..proded man..=) yeah..den. im in the same subject combi as yining..she always admit dat she is lame cos after she say something lame den she will say.."haha..lame.." lolx..she z cheerful..nice person la..caring..
nxt..jason#aiyo..JASON..wad to say..always crapping..n creating cold jokes..hopping around de whole school..n making ppl cover their ears wen he play bowling..yah den ting2 everytime see him den..AIYO..CHILDISH..hmm..obviously la..he's still watching baby looney tunes every monday to friday wen dere is no school..but i also watch it..wen i rmb la..tat is..hehe.
kkx..jason keeps saying he is pro..ya he is pro..i was on de mrt wif him n he asked me to carry his plastic bag for him..den carry carry carry until bedok den he laft de train w/o taking his plastic bag from me..den he got his bread inside de plastic bag sumore~so he asked me to eat it..- - " how lame can he get..so pro rite..lolx..
yah den yk ar kc n junhong mostly tok to dem of msn wan la..all veri gao xiao de..wen yk laugh den his eyes bcum so small small..den his laughter veri funni wan lor..last time he lyk jay oso lor..den now he lyk dun lyk jay anymore..so bad lor..unfaithful..haha..den kc ar..always tok crap..everytime tok abt sum1 den he veri happi wan lor..lolx..kc ok la quite nice la..onli dat he is a sai4 mei..lolx..jun hong..VERI gao xiao..dunno wad to say abt him..he last time is CD de la..den his acting veli good la..sumtimes tok to him on msn den i kena leng dao lor..is lyk..duno la..veri veri crappyyy..
melvin rite..last time beginnning sec1 i sit beside him..den always trying to link shawn n tessa together..but failed la..hahax..den sumtimes will lyk quarrel wif him lidat..den after dat duno wad happen suddenly every1 link me n melvin..den dunno who started it lor..wierd mann..until now i still duno how cum it started..haha..den everytime oso see him online wan..den hor..last time he onli 1cm taller than me..now he at least 10cm taller than me..haha..den gan da..eh..hahaz..always suddenly say sumting funni during lesson wan lor..den at kinokuniya keep pressing 'back' on de computer screen..den de screen nth happen..but he jus keep pressing..yah..funni..lolx..
zimu lei..he another name is sylvester zhao lor..rawking elaine's world..lolx..everytime veri kai fang wan..say himself is LOE..haha..de other time after bowling yj me ting2 elaine n zimu at de bus stop waitin for bus..den zimu ask yj me n ting2 take other buses..so onli left dem 2 at bus stop no more lightbulb le..lolx..aiya..he always tok crap wan lorz..lame..but quite nice la he..kkz cannot write too much..later ppl jealous..hehe..
chengyou..onli came to ahs this yr..from tms sec..yupp den i tink he a bit kaypoh..lolx..cos he always ask me wierd wierd questions..dunno wads his prob..haha den he linked wif philine..de other time i ask him to sign my class photo den i ask him sign beside philine..n he realli sign beside her..not bad rite..haha..=P
okii..den got ting2..hu is so sad dat sun yan zi's album not available yesterday..she probably going to get it todae la.haha..yupp..den dese 2 yrs she always pei me go home wan..den we always go white sands..den everytime meet dat sicko VS guy..lolx..tink dat ting2 veri funni lor..she went to taiwan to cut hair den cum back n scare me lor..hahax..but i tink cut le oso not bad ba..=) last time used to talk to her alort on de phone..now talk less le..but still veri nice ba..haha..n she still rmB de toilet bowl thingy..cos of dis we last time duno laugh for how long on de phone den can stop lor..lolx..jus nice lei..ting jus called me..she say sun yan zi album is finally out n her sis is going to buy for her now..lolx..funni gal...^^
yuPpi..den eLaine rite..dun realli talk to her dat often la..but she z a nice gal la..always laughing so loudy wif ting2 n nice to talk to ba..den sylvester zhao rawks her world la..=P always get his suppoRt durinG bowling de..haha..yeah..
...to be continued... > > >
<<<...continued... =)aha~yay..continue again.. hahah..k..bOon kai..laSt time alwaYs take mrt wif him n ys n ting2 to pasir ris side de..den i tink dat he veri cold lor..saw a few sentence onli den i get frozen liao la..den veri veri violent person..play bball badminton or wad sure got ppl kena hit by him..- - "ke lianx. umm..pui munn..she veri clever la..den quiet too..cos we dun realli tok haha..but ok la..chalet dat time got tok a little bit..den i still owe u one dollar..- - " hmm..ya den kristin rite..u overall quite ok la..buden not dat active wen we hving class activity..dun realli tok to u too..><>
ah..ONG cliNton..not clinton ong..erm..dunno wad to say abt u la..inside ur body onli got lame genes lor..ur whole family all lame dao wan lor..haha but u vvv gud fren la can listen to my crap wan..n help me listen to dat scary voicemail..hahax.yupp den bowling pro lor..n den umm ya v nice fren la can share lot of things de.. xiNjun..haha...tok to him one msn den he everytime -_-" de..lol..den i still hav a pic of u n yj on my hp ok..haha.."holding hands" sumore..lol..jkjk..ya n u still lyk pink izzit???haha..i dunno la..=p jiaXin..de onli person hu culd go wif me to sci tuition=) yay.thx man.luckily u dere wif me or else i bored to death le..den u n me always kena suan by tcher cos u always bring food/sweet for me den nv giv him..lol..den u go sci tuition got motivation de lor..haha=P kk nvm~=xumm jiayu!!rrubbish la u..haha..u realli crap alort.realli.ALORT.lol.=) i crap alort too.wif u.hahax..y u always lyk to say ppl die le? veri bad le u..haha..last time sian sian den we go out together den we both lyk to take neoprint yah?hahaha..BUT u always say u broke..- -" hahahax~ kkx angel..qUite nice peRson ba..laffs alort alort de..haha ya den last time pei me to white sands to eat lunch..den aft dat we go buy bday pressie for yu jie i tink..yah..nice gal la..=)hm..qi qiN!!my mei..haha..always trying to ci ji me la..u so tall..de other time u stand beside me den purposely say..u can stand on de chair n say hi..blehx..lol..but u still my v gd mei la..v caring de..always console ppl wen dey sad yah..heh^^
yUjie ne..veri creative n artistic lor..niCe guRl la..den during danCe prac for tchers day performance pair wif clinton den keep warning clinton not to anyhow touch her..hAHa..lol..laMe l0Rx.
caLLy rite..bian tai galgal..sit wIf her for almos one n half yrs le whole day listen to her tok abt alort of stuff alort of crap..haha..den eVerytime tok abt stupif stuff den we laff n laff lyk siao..laMe gal..
hUixian..cLevEr n v v v cRaPpy..duRing diao1 ke4 sit beside u den veri leng dao wan lor..hahax..deN u lUrve wanG ren Fu N waTch wan qUan yu le yah?haha..laMe lAme..i sTill tiNk jay is muCh mucH betta lor haha.
ahh~lasTly..sHu yaO..nOrT realli cLose bUt quite easy going..weN u go chiNa u brinG bAck stUff 4 us..so niCe haha..=)friendly n cheerful too..yUpppp!!
yahh reaLLi saD dat 2e goiN to sepArate le..aFt 2yRs 2gtHr..wiLL b miSsing evEry0ne..
eVeryoNe maDe 2e possiBle.
made 2003's outstanding class possible.
made class outings possible.
made winning competitions possible.
maDe our uNity posSible.
madE our hAppiNesS poSsibLe.
yah..reaLLi h0pe every0ne kEep in t0uch loRx..rmBr all de thiNgs we diD togEtHer.hapPinEss n saDness..iT aLL maDe a diFfernCe in dis fiRst 2 yrs in AHS lor..in d beginNing of sec1 i reAlli diN lyk aHs cos i din reAlli haf aLort of frenx..den aFter a whiLe..kneW 1e.n knew 2e.deN i stArted to lyK AHS much much more..i nV had a cLass so uNitEd b4..
aNd till now i neVa regretted cuMing to AHS la~yuP.. luv 2E manZz..=)
-------Xx tWo e 200 foUr eva xX-------

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